It’s OK, no one’s looking
In 2006, kloetzel&co. in collaboration with clarinetist John Masserini, pianist Mark Neiwirth, tenor Geoffrey Friedley, poet Greg Nicholl, and filmmaker Jeff Curtis presented an evening-length gambol through multiple disciplines at the Bistline Theatre at the brand new ISU Performing Arts Center. Pairing kloetzel&co. with live avant garde twentieth century music, textual collage, and film work, It’s OK, no one’s looking tested the boundaries of collaboration and convention: dancers careened off 50s-style tables, singers flew through the air while vocalizing in varied tongues, and a clarinetist discovered pelvic flare as he worked through frantic trilling. Included live performances of John Cage’s chance creation “Aria”, Eric Mandat’s dramatic “Tricolor Capers,” Emma Lou Diemer’s “Tocata,” and Joan Tower’s “Wings”. Pieces from It’s OK, no one’s looking went on to performances in Seattle, Victoria, Flagstaff, and Calgary.